Better decisions,
better health
Are you suffering from a long-term health problem? If so, then use the world´s most powerful system for improving your health. Find the best treatment, the best lifestyle and what else to do. Then get the support you need to follow up and see real results.
Apply to use the beta version Log in
Make monitoring plans
Enter information on your mobile
Look at the results
Try a Health Helper
A Health Helper is a personal tool you can use to improve your health. Your Helper consists of a protected website, connected with an app on your mobile. The Helper uses all available information, processes it intelligently, and creates crucial health-promoting support. The website also sends daily tips and info to your app.
Read more
Find the best treatment for you
Get a personalized ranking of treatments based on all available knowledge.
Get help to take the treatment as agreed
The app will remind you to take your treatment. Go to your Health Helper website and look at the results.
Live a healthier life
Let us help you pick a few healthy habits and get the support you need to follow up.
Get support from people you trust
You can invite healthcare providers and people close to you to get their support.
Improve the decisions
Find out how you and your doctor are doing when communicating and optimize making decisions together.
  1. Priority 1
    Avoid symptoms
  2. Priority 2
    Avoid side effects
Your priorities are crucial
We use advanced, intelligent algorithms to find the best treatment for you. Most important? Your priorities.
Former treatment results
My experience
What is important to you
My characteristics
My current results
Doctor´s experience
Reasons not to use
The best treatment
What treatment will be the best for you? To find out, we use science, your experiences, and your priorities. Your Health Helper collects all relevant information and creates your personal ranking of the treatments available.
Daily support on your mobile
The app will update you daily on how well your treatment is working. It will also tell you what you could do to improve your health.
Fast and easy on your mobile!
Download the app, enter info and get daily support!
Find out whether a new treatment improves your health
See how things happening in your life affect you
Empower yourself
When you explore your Health Helper, you gain knowledge and empower yourself. Collect as many points as you can and become a super-expert on optimizing your health!
Read and use what you need
Make treatment plans and monitoring plans
Follow the instructions on your mobile and enter results
Take treatment and live healthily
Look at the results together with your healthcare provider and make better decisions
Improve your health
In collaboration with respected institutions
DECIDE Treatment has been developed with funding from the Norwegian Ministry of Health, the Norwegian Research Council and the Norwegian Institute of Public Health. Research and implementation is conducted from the University of Oslo and the National University of Singapore. The University of London and University of Sydney have also contributed to the service.